Changes to Caltopo Maps Coming

At the end of 2020, Caltopo will stop licensing its maps to other apps, like us.

See their own announcement.

Fortunately, if you are using BackCountry Navigator, either XE or PRO, there are alternatives. This is an article that gives information about alternative map sources you can start using right now.

Maps previously download should still work.

New downloads/previews will be redirected to the new sources where possible. It is best to switch explicitly, though.

In particular, you can use Caltopo to access previously downloaded. However, for new downloads, it is best to switch to USA Topo Maps. USA Topo Maps has a max zoom of 15 compared to 16 for the Caltopo, but it will scale up if you switch to it.

For Slope Shaded Topo Maps that were previously from Caltopo, we have created our own slope shading layer that over. A Caltopo subscription or other subscription will still be required for this.

Map Sources Replacement:

In the following, it is notable that the suggested replacement may not look exactly the same.

Caltopo US 24K Topo Maps, Alaska Topo, Caltopo (unshaded)

Older style topo Maps

Replacement: USA Topo Maps

Doesn’t look exactly the same, but same data and sometimes more accurate.

USFS - Forest Service, Visitor Maps

National Forest areas in US

Replacement: FSTopo

Some visual difference

Caltopo Topo/Aerial Hybrid

Imagery and Topo combined. 

Replacement: USATopo/Aerial hybrid - to come

Hybrid: Caltopo with Accuterra Path

Older map overlay 

Replacement: Possibly USATopo with Accuterra Paths

Depends on Accuterra Road Map

US Topo Imagery with Markup

More recent markup of imagery with contour lines and other items.

Replacement: National Map Imagery Topo 

This is a more efficient single layer. You can find it in PRO under National Maps.

Caltopo with Slope Shading

This is a popular map that is color coded to show the steepness of slopes.

Since this one of the first layers from Caltopo to go away, we have put great effort into creating our own hosted slope layer. It matches the fixed color scheme you see on Caltopo.

Replacement: USATopo with Slope Shading

The slope layer we can develop can be combined with other layers if people are interested.

Note that Accuterra also has a slope map for subscribers.

Western Canada CanMatrix 

Canada topo (older)  Scanned printed maps. 

Replacement: Unknown 

There are various Canada map Sources available, most newer than this.